Sunday, March 27, 2011
Moving Part I
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Time well spent
Pastor Isaac with a new Bible

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Be Still
Be still before the Lord
& wait patiently for Him. (Ps 37:7)As we have gone through the fifth week since leaving one coast for another, I am learning to be still before the Lord. In my previous life, this was a schedule challenge. I had to purposefully sit still, & mostly only my spirit was actually sitting still.
A whole new challenge is added since now I am often physically sitting still. I'm still caring for my children, still helping in the kitchen, still reorganizing box contents. But mostly, my mind is still. I'm not planning Audrey's grocery list, I haven't been able to start school with Max yet & Jon is often around spending time with the children. That lenghty Word document of lists for Ghana, a source of both calm and anxiety (all you list lovers understand!), remains closed.
The challenge in sitting still is forcing my mind join the seating arrangment. It is off in the land of frustration, impatience, remember when, I wonder when.......
Ah, how the Deceiver enjoys tempting me with these!
She watches over her household and does not eat the bread of idleness (Prov. 31:27)
I am working to choose to watch over my household. For now, the physical chores are less, but the mental battle has just begun. I am chooseing today to tutor my idle mind in that beautiful peace that passes understanding & to grow in the knowledge of Jesus through His Word.I hope you'll join me!
Here is a glimpse into our week. Humble though it was, we are grateful for continued good health & great hosts here in Pokuase.Elle is enjoying a juice box from the cold store down the street from our house. A little bit of happiness for 80 pesawas isn't a bad deal. :) The owner, Isaac, also sells provisions so I'll be able to buy basic things like oil, tomato paste, rice & of course, minerals.
I'm thinking my dear Elle isn't the only little girl on the planet who likes to snack. But she is one of the most persistant. One night this week, we couldn't find her. Anywhere. In a gated yard, that makes you wonder if she got outside the gate and wondered down the street. That would be very unlike her, but she was no where to be found. She was found behind the closed pantry door deep in a bag of strawberry rice krispies. Her first words to me were" Look, Mom, they're pink!" Further escapades into the Bontrager's treat stash in the pantry has earned her quite a reputation!The boy brigade has barred the pantry door to keep Elle out. This ingenious work includes a strap, a stick that will fall if she touched the handle, a stick propping the door shut and several stools. Their success was limited since they were soon off to another adventure, leaving the pantry-guarding to the cooks. :)
A walk down the block to a certain yellow & red house, shows this almost done, very cool staircase. The welding equipment is there, where is the welder? :)
These stairs are in our bedroom. They lead to our only upstairs room. It is small, but perfect for the boys. They especially like having their own small balcony.
Through the doorway is our bathroom. It is a bright white...awaiting many dirty feet. ;)
The other side of the bathroom leads into Elle's room.
I am waiting to give a complete tour until we move in...or until you come & visit. :)
Our favorites about the new house: high, high ceilings, large closets & huge windows.
And tile! Everywhere!
The challenges: Americans like curtains (even if they are just for pretty more than privacy)! The windows are so big, I'm thinking of giving up before I start. The louvers are mirrored, so privacy isn't an issue. Also, the two bathrooms with showers are mainly glossy white. Fine for magazines, but in real life....
Last night we enjoyed an evening at home while the Bontragers went out with friends. We played whiffle ball til almost dark, made dinner & were enjoying it when the power went off. When all goes pitch black & silent, the little ones still cry, Max hollers for a flashlight & Jon feels his way to get the matches & flashlights.
Dishes by candlelight are not such a bad thing. It gave me a few moments care for my household and be still before the Lord. The quiet, in this noisy house, was welcome.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Till's Beach
For a few years now, a group of missionary families has met at the Beach to relax and encourage. This year the group held new faces, ours included. It was wonderful to hear how the other families are settling in and reaching out. It was especially encouraging to us since two of the famlies are only a few months less new than we are!
I'm wishing now I had bothered everyone with a group photo!
Audrey & Ron were in charge of the details. Each day ended with a time of worship, reflection & games for adults and the little ones. American snacks like gummy candy and caramel popcorn were eaten with delight. They took care of everything from what everyone was charged correctly for their rooms, making sure they made breakfast for 4 less people, not 4 people, procuring a fridge for our room, & bringing extra eggs. Yes, bringing extra eggs. Last year not all had breakfast since the eggs "are finished" before everyone was served. This year the chips (fries) were finished before the buffet even began. And the man who went to buy salad never returned. That did shorten the buffet a bit. :)
The beach was a good one. Though there were rocks to climb on, the main beach was perfect for swimming and wave jumping. The waves were stonger than the children were used to, but they soon loved being knocked over and tumbled about by the shallow surf. Elle was getting up her nerve and was taken out by a wave. She came up sputtering salt water and stayed latched my leg for awhile. ;
These days I hear "no" leaving my mouth often. Not your toy, not your room, not your drink. The Bontragers share like champs, but there is only so much 7 children can share! It was a relief to have so much space to run, jump and splash. I will admit as well, that a few days of blue skys, coconut palm framed views, hot sun & laughter were a relief to me as well. Well...the sky & the laughter may be the same here in Pokuase, but the vacation spirit made all the difference.
This line up was enjoying games organized by the girls from Living Hope. Thanks!
Breakfast was provided both days. The setting in an open sided pavilion just up the hill from the beach was beautiful! Best part: real butter. The worst part: instant coffee. How bad could it be, you say? Bad enough. I only had 2 cups. ;)))
Max was so excited to see where Elliot lives..he kept asking just how long we were going to stay. We made it there with no trouble, parked beside a coop of sassy chickens & got a tour of the best little start up this side of Africa. Some bias here, folks, just join me! tells the rest of the story. Miss Juanita is always posting something amazing! We enjoyed our introduction very much and are excited to return and try our hand at weekend farming! I hear no complaints from a few little people of mine about tractors, wagons, tools & Juanita's tasty cooking. Good friends are even more special this side of the Atlantic. Thanks, Elliot, for sharing all those toys and even your bed!
As we begin our fifth week, we continue to choose patience about moving & peace about all the ways we need to settle in. But the children are still showing beach delight in sandy scalps and handfulls of shells. They delight in recounting how they jump the waves and dig, dig, dig in the sand. And I am delighting in the joy of a rested spirit and God's gift of friendship. It is more than enough.