Through endurance, and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:4b-6

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Temporary transplant!

We've been transplanted.  Uprooted (willingly ;) ) from the sandy coastal savannah of Accra & re-planted in the cool soft dirt of our native Pennsylvania.
Our feet are planted on this side of the ocean now & are soaking up love & encouragment of family & friends.
At times, we wither. Changing the soil affects the roots. I think Rory said it best. "Mom, even my skin is tired!"
But we are being nouished, fertilized &, yes, even pruned. The awesome variety of physical food is the smallest example of this. Our true growth is coming from the wisdom & encouragment offered by so many of you.
New scenery brings challenges too. Meat, fruit, veggies that are utterly foreign to my little people. They had forgotten grapes, blueberries & broccoli. They have been reaquainted with booster car seats & seatbelts, air conditioning, & drive thru food. Buckled in a seat without the wind in their face, no horns blowing, no hawkers chatting with them seems, well, a little boring. What they have discovered is the church library, a multitude of cousins &  the endless snack aisle at the store.
The weather is turning toward fall season. Cold air that makes us shiver. Some of us shiver in delight while rediscovering shoes and  socks. Some of us reach for leggings, a blanket & a hot drink. :)
We are taking great joy in worshipping & learning with our home church. They are present in our lives here in the States & at home in Ghana in so many tangible ways. These Senders have been the hand of God in our lives, making ministry possible.

October 17 we will return to Accra. Stronger, we pray for the growth we've been allowed here. And ready to again plant seeds for the God of the harvest.

Max trying out Karsten Weaver's nifty bow & arrow.

Jon & I enjoying his Mom's delicious dinner of burgers, stawberry spinach salad & corn.

Elle & her cousin Hadassah picked up where they left off. Lots of giggles & escapades. We make sure to keep them in sight. :)