Today I got an extra bonus. They are praying for water for Jon & Sara's well. We are grateful for every intercession.
And now I'll have to admit that item has been at the bottom of my prayer list. But my attitude about it, sadly, has not gone to the bottom of the list.
Mind you it's not empty, just very low.
It's a 17 feet deep borehole. An electric pump fills a gravity tank on top of our house. We are thankful to be able to pump up enough water for toilets &, sometimes, enough for dishes. Water bags fill in for showers & drinking. I've been carting my laundry to Audrey's for weeks now. She is incredibly kind & gracious to share her time & washer with me. The short walk to her house has built my biceps & given us a reason to sit down & talk when I come to switch a load. (Often she has the loads changed & ready for me to take back to hang up!)
Max & Richmond enjoying our blow up pool.
It's in storage, but the kids can't wait til we have enough water to use it again.
We expect it to start raining occasionally ...soon... and then the water level will return to normal. We are mindful of the gift of water & wash machines. We are surrounded by folks who never have running water close by & always hand wash.
I actually am very thankful for the water we do have. It's just that the water we used to have is making it harder for me to keep a good attitude about the shortcuts we have to take. A cooling shower at the end of the day is often now a few water bags. Reusing dishwater, filling buckets with 2 cup bag after 2 cup bag for cooking, dishes & drinking. And filthy feet get a scrubbing when what they really need is a soaking. :)
Our brothers & sisters at home are praying for our well to fill. We join them. But we are very aware that God is likely going to choose the character He is building in our hearts without water over the glory He could receive from filling the well.
Whatever water you are praying for today, may you allow the Spirit to focus your mind on the work He is doing in you & through you in spite of a cloudless sky.
I had intended to post a "week in pictures". I like the look into our daily life it gives you. Proof we do many mundane things, proof that life is remarkably similar no matter the location. In case you ever wondered, now that we are titled missionaries (completely unfair...we've only changed locations) there is no shiny glow to taking care of the family. No angel singing when we sit & talk with neighbors. No heavenly whispers when my children are vomiting again. (So cultivate contentment in your current neighborhood, 'cause, honey, if you're not feelin' it now, it's not going to happen in any other location. )
Whew. Now that's off my list of things I've earned the right to say.( love, of course.) ;)
So this week was full of rest and healthiness. I made yogurt, tomato sauce, & have been loving fresh mango & avocado. Not picture worthy, but a really nice week. And yes, thanks to a little thing called a birth day, I've got a new hanging planter & flowering plant. Jon made an excellent choice on that as he did on another item. Sadly, it must be exchanged...more on that another time. :) I also received the gift of Jon being home a little extra & a birthday supper made by Audrey & eaten by candle light. Candle light in Ghana is not done for creating atmosphere. It's called the power being off. :)
Saturday morning Jon, Max, Richmond, Ron & Carter drive to East Legon for some baseball. They spend 90m running, throwing, catching & sweating. They come home tired & scraped up. Max was very proud to have earned a brush burn from sliding into a base this week.
While they are gone, Audrey & I held a Valentines tea party for the rest. We enjoyed a slight breeze under the orange tree while sipping green tea (with much sugar!), having pink cupcakes & pink marshmallow hearts.( Thanks to my Mom for sending paper plates & napkins) Cheese & pretzels were a treat as well. Perhaps the best part was the face paint. Sent by one of my sisters, it was enjoyed by all! Rory was sure he wanted a motorcycle. We settled on a turtle. He is still talking about being "allowed" to join the girls pink party.
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