Through endurance, and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:4b-6

Monday, December 16, 2013

Catching Up

On October 28th, twenty two energetic missionaries arrived in Accra to begin 12 days of intense evangelism and ministry, hailing from Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan. Although we had the obligatory missing bag and some excitement with immigration, we stuffed the truck and van with bags and the group jumped into the trotro we had rented for this special occasion. By then the group was quite weary and just wanted to return to the house for some rest.
 Isabel assists in eye exams and handing out reading glasses.
 Jaxon and his buddy Willard
 Drake, Jaxon, and Richmond at the Cape Coast Slave Castle

The rest of the days went by quickly, with much activity, late nights, and memorable experiences, including wading streams in the jungle to hand out tracts, providing glasses to people to help them read the Word, and worshiping God multi-culturally and joyously. Our ministry tasks included handing out 4000 tracts in Central Accra, 4 clinics, 6 crusades, and evangelism/tract distribution in the villages of Asamankese, Ayaa, and Kotoku. Many times the bus would arrive back to the house in the early morning hours, followed by supper and wrap-up.

This team did extremely well. The counselors were well prepared, honest, and sincere as they shared and prayed with the patients after the clinics. The testimonies that the team shared before the crusades and during group devotions were so good, and it opened hearts to hear the Gospel that followed. We had a couple of the men preach during the crusades, as well as the local pastor from each village. You can read more here:

Another highlight was Sara's sister Mary, and three of her children Drake, Isabel, and Jaxon, were able to come and join us for this trip. Due to a visa application problem we were expecting them to come a few days later, but the Lord heard our prayers and the passports arrived the day before they left! They were able to stay a few days after the team, and we enjoyed touring Ghana a bit including a visit to the beach.  Although very sad to see them go, we also hope that we will be seeing them again in a  few months.

School at the Institute wrapped up on Thanksgiving day. Exams were over by 11 AM and the party was on, although the fufu was an hour late. We washed it down with cold minerals and some fresh chocolate cake, and after some words by the faculty and administration we sent the students out for the last time. Graduation commenced this past Saturday, and we sent them out to begin the ministries that God has called them to.

November 29 found me racing towards Accra at 6:15 AM, as my friend and mentor David Brubaker and his family were arriving to spend a few days in Ghana. It had been a while since I had travelled to Accra early in the morning, and found the traffic snarled most of the way. The normal 30 minute trip to the airport turned into a sweaty, almost two hour trek. When I finally ran into the arriving lounge it was after 8 AM. All was well though, since they were delayed in Nigeria and were scheduled to land at 8:45 instead of their original 7:20 arrival time.

I was excited because they were bringing, among other things, 6 desktop computers for our computer lab. Dutch Valley had donated them after hearing of our need for computers for our lab. And when I say he brought other things, I mean things like STEAKS, HAMBURGERS, CHEESE, and TURKEY HILL ICE CREAM! Ice cream here is made with plant fats. Seriously. So when we knew real, dairy goodness was on it's way, we couldn't even tell the kids. But all this was in jeopardy as immigration decided to take their pleasant time with filling out the paperwork for the computers. Since it was for the school and not personal items, we had to pay duty on the used office equipment. This process took quite some time and really was difficult for the little girls who had been up for 24 hours at that point. Thankfully we finally worked it all out and we were on our way by 11 AM.

Lunch with Pastor Joseph, enjoying Lydia's famous fufu Sunday morning after church

We had a busy trip planned with the Brubaker's, with the main event going to Mole National Park. I had always resisted the idea of cramming my family in the van for 13 hours and bouncing over the notoriously rough roads to see the elephants. But as the trip got closer I began to get very excited about going. We also asked if Richmond could go along, and after writing a note to his school headmaster explaining what we were doing and how it would be very educational, it was approved. We left at 5 AM Monday morning and after a slight detour we arrived at the park at 6 PM. We were very pleased to realize that the roads were vastly improved since the last time my coworkers had traveled them. As we drove in the driveway, with the sun setting, we saw several deer which made my day. After we checked into the "no-frills" motel room, we realized the pool was still open. We all hastily plunged into the cool water which washed all the accumulated dust off of our weary bodies.

Tuesday morning found us waiting to board our jeep at 7AM for the morning safari. We all climbed up on top, including our guide, for a total of 14 people. He carried an well-used rifle that appeared to have an old nail as the trigger. He said it was a .375 and was very powerful on elephants. He declined my offer to hold the gun, even after I explained I had a license. Oh well, I was also holding Leila so that may have contributed to his answer too. However, I wasn't too certain of his capabilities in stopping a charging elephant.
The closest we got; elephant tracts.
A beautiful brush buck

We drove around the park for a little over 2 hours. Our driver was new, and it appeared he couldn't hear very well, especially when the guide told him to stop. We saw lots of deer, including brush buck and kob, wart hogs, birds, and monkeys. We did not see any elephants, which was a bummer but in reality it is a toss up to seeing them. It helps to go over dry season, which forces the elephants to the pond in front of the motel. But dry season and Thanksgiving vacation do not line up, so we went when we could. The drivers of the various jeeps that were out communicated by phone if any elephant was spotted, so they must have been deeper in the forest. It was incredible to see the many varieties of animals, and we totally enjoyed the trip.  Unfortunately the motel did not have a room for us the second night, so we left around noon and traveled back to Accra, arriving Wednesday morning at 1 AM. It was an uneventful trip, except for passing a truck which had no tail lights and the passenger in the front seat was shining a flashlight out the window for the headlights! Throughout the trip we traveled through 5 different regions of Ghana, and it was 601.4 km from the Mole parking lot to the Bible Institute.

The motley crew

We also visited Cape Coast and spent a few memorable days with fellow missionaries. We had a blast with the Brubaker's and we hope they got a taste of African life. It was great for Elle to have 2 girls to play with again, and all the children enjoyed each other very much. We had a good time catching up, laughing, and making memories.

Since David works for Pure Test Lab, he took back several samples of water to test it's quality. After he tested our water we have discovered that we might as well be drinking from the gutter, as our filter is not cleaning the water sufficiently to safe drinking levels. It is really, really bad water. Although we haven't gotten blatantly sick off the water, we have switched to drinking bagged filtered water to eliminate all the extra bacteria we were consuming.

My niece Stephanie is coming in January to work with a children's home nearby and to travel home with us. Please pray for her as she prepares to come, and especially as she travels here. Thanks for your continued prayers for our safety, health, and spiritual well being. We couldn't do this without each one of you. God bless you!

The three (little) pigs

After a very busy stretch here in Ghana, we are catching up on some of the highlights that have occurred. Please accept our apologies and allow us to catch up.
It is hard to count how many new experiences I've had in the last 3 years. And, yes, pig butchering was a first for us. While not squeamish, I can thank being raised on a chicken farm and  trauma/post-op nursing for that, I will admit to being intimidated by three 175 pound dead swine that arrived on Jonathan Groff's truck bed from Cape Coast in late September.
As the Groff's redistributed some of their farm wealth, a group of Accra friends were happy to benefit. Pork is eaten here. Most commonly eaten in our neighborhoods is the cleaned intestines chopped into stew, the organs & other miscellaneous parts. The larger cuts are for sale but I'm not yet brave enough to stop a truck full of random chopped animal parts if he has a few pork chops for sale. I could find some things for sale at the larger grocery stores in Accra, but the price is high and often the quality is low.

I can say we would never have tackled this in the States. Are there not professionals for this sort of chopping and dismembering? And shouldn't we worry about life threatening bacteria and contamination?

Our friends, Mattie and Irvin Rudolph & Jonathan Groff, have butchering experience. We followed along and tried to be helpful. After removing the entrails, they needed to be skinned and the head removed. Finally a saw was employed to cut them into two manageable pieces. They were then carried into the house to be processed on the kitchen table by the skilled and swift knives of Mattie and Julia. After the big cuts were removed, the meat was picked off the bones and ground up. Everything, including the heads,  was used, with a wheel barrow load of organs and skins going to very willing neighbors.

It was a very good experience for all of us. A front row seat to our link in the food chain. It's good for kids to see the step between the cute little farm animals and the hermetically sealed sausage package at the grocery store.

Pork chops, ham and sausage in the freezer doesn't seem like such an awful thing either. ; )

As you can tell by our faces, separating the skin and fat from the meat was a challenge. Behind us you'll see a small smoky fire my Boy Scout husband started to keep the flies away. It worked!
Examining the kidneys. Rory looks like he's about to vomit. He did just fine. The boys were pretty willing to touch and learn about the organs. Elle kept her distance but had a lot of questions. It was a good school day!

The lungs.

Doesn't take much for a party to start around here.

We cut the meat on the kitchen table and then used a borrowed meat grinder to make the sausage.

That was some good sausage we had for supper. When you've worked that hard for something  the taste is even sweeter.

Monday, October 14, 2013

beginning of the end

It seems like there are always decisions to be made, no matter what situation you are in.  Many times they are simple, easy decisions, but every now and then you are called to make a very difficult decisions that impacts your future and that of your family.  And so it is that time for us as we wrap up our 3 year term in Ghana. Do we stay? Do we go? What are the next steps for our family?
These pictures were taken as we walked to a baptism on April 3, 2011, just 2 short months after we had arrived in Ghana. In many ways it feels like a long time ago. Thankfully we have adjusted to life here in Ghana, and truly consider this our home.
 Life here in Ghana has been good for us spiritually, our marriage, and our relationships with our children. God has graciously allowed us to serve with and meet many wonderful, godly people who have encouraged and strengthened us to continue on. These friends come from many denominations including Lutheran, Baptist, Charity, and Assemblies of God. What we have found was amazing unity of believers when out on the field, a solace when your warm, comfortable church is 6000 miles away. We have grown to really appreciate so many people here, we love what we do, and in many ways it would be easier to stay.
But we feel that it's time to go.
This has been a very difficult conclusion to come to. Our children are already crying at the thought of leaving our friends behind. .
No replacements have yet to be identified. But yet we feel peace at moving forward, trusting that God has given us the next steps for our family.
Our term ends on February 4, 2014. When I signed my contract way back in February 2011, this date looked extremely far away. Now it is right around the corner. We have requested to our board to be replaced by the beginning of April,  and we are trusting that God will have the right people on board to take over the work at the school by then. Since Leon has taken oversight over the pastor association, right now what we need is a school administrator who is willing to teach a few classes. If you want more information on this position, I would be happy to give you a call.
We are asking you to join us in prayer that replacements would be found in the very near future. Pray that He would direct the steps of this mission in every aspect. Pray that He would continue to lead our family as we begin the transition back to the States.
We appreciate each and every one of you who have walked with us on this journey. We truly are grateful for your emails, letters, gifts, prayers, and financial support. This journey was at times difficult, but we wouldn't want to change it! Thank you!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

sweeter than strawberry pie (part III, family edition)


Here's to a sweet 6 month old who gives and receives so many smiles.
Sister Abenah is a sweet tempered til hungry,
must be in the middle of the action,
feed me whatever you are eating,
take me wherever you are going,
make that silly face again,
nose pinching,
hair pulling,
glasses nabbing,
little lady.
She has conquered rolling and scooting backwards.
She ventures onto her knees sometimes but bellyflops back down quickly.
She loves baths in the sink when the dishes are done.
She loves meals by Elle & baths by Max.
She is the sweet strawberry of her Daddy's eye.
I lean in to every sticky fingered snuggle, as she rubs her spitty chin into my neck.
This child. This one we have prayed and hoped for.
She is an enormous blessing wrapped up in sparkly eyes and sweet pink skin.
 And these children.
Though they've grown past the age of baby, they are a sweet treat.

Thanks to Benita for the props!

Benita Meyers is a sweet friend from South Africa who has blessed me with her photography talent and hospitality. Her testimony of God's work in her life and marriage in an encouragement to me. Thanks,Benita!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

a batik lesson

Ever find yourself reviewing the rules before you leave the house? About two weeks ago I was (amost) nervously reviewing the rules of going on a homeschool group outing to Gracia Fabrics in East Legon. Listen to whoever is in charge. Bring your patient spirit (Mmhm. Leave the high and mighty one here at home, please. )
Wait for your turn. Raise your hand and, for goodness sakes, no shouting. No taking off at high speed to explore the compound. If someone greets you, how do we respond?

We enjoy the times we are able to catch up with a homeschool group in Accra.
I just feel slightly nervous bringing the youngest kids in the group. Nationals here are also not always  receptive to the idea of homeschooling never mind of group of us unsocialized expatriots playing tourist.
Except Ms. Grace was very kind. And welcoming. And very gracious about my smaller son leaning over the dye vats. And swinging from the drying rack.
She's been batik designing and dyeing for her whole adult life and in business for 22 years. The process is done with chemical dyes and color fixes but used to be done with natural bark and nut powders bought at market. So (sadly for some) this was not the organic batik spot, but it surely was great in so many ways.

The older kids chose large foam stamps to create their designs. The process of dipping the foam into the wax, shaking off the excess and repeating many times over was assisted by two helpers but the children were allowed to take off on their own if they could brave the spritzing wax.

We began with white fabric. The wax protects the base color. Then the first dye is applied. When set, the cloth is dipped in boiling water to remove the wax. The cloth could then be restamped and redyed, adding another layer of color. To shorten the process for our crowd, we did one stamping, one dyeing.
My three are the youngest in the group and so they worked on the ground with a tie-dye style batik. Their white cloth scrunched while damp and then let to dry. The man showing us the method went ahead with a first color of yellow and then the children could choose the second shade. We waited a short time between colors and then after both were added to allow the fabric to dry. They were a little disappointed they were more observers for this activity but I was thankful no one handed them the ladle of boiling hot chemical dye!
Apparently, my rule reviewing was a success. The only thing dyed was the fabric and no one destroyed anything. In fact, our relationships with our school friends were built upon and, hey, we got some pretty cool clothes as well.
We are thankful for the work that went in to planning the day. Thanks, Pam S.!
Waiting for our turn for color.

Watching the older kids design their fabric.

Elle wanted to help....:)

Max and Stephen watching Stephen's cloth being rinsed.

Adding the first color. He said it was yellow but he had a hard time convincing the children. Only when it fully dried did the yellow come out lighter and brighter.

Our co-workers Leon and Barb entertaining Leila. They've got a grandson in the States a few days older than her. Leila loves the 'Grandma' time and so does Barb. What a blessing.

Waiting for the color to dry.

The results!

Sandra the seamstress whipped up these handy little shorts. When the boys said they wanted shorts, I wasn't so sure! But I'm thinking these are pretty cool.

Cool, indeed. Those shorts turned these guys into, er, well, pirates?!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

still here

A day trip to Bojo Beach.
 Dear reader, I know you'll forgive me without hesitation & I shall accept your offered grace.  I can no longer call this a monthly update. I have scolded my children for repeating an action & giving a half hearted apology every time. Perhaps I need a lesson on true repentance. ;) Nevertheless, here is a bit of what is going on.

Ron & Audrey and kids have left this continent for the temperate zone. We played & laughed every minute we could up until the very last. It was a teary goodbye for all. Predictable of the fairer gender, Elle & I are feeling it the most. Several times we've stopped our snapping at each other & admitted we really just both miss our best friends. Let's just say boys are a little different. Their sadness involves fists & wrestling.
Life does go on. The three of them have been playing very well together. Max & Rory have been playing 'Mom & Dad' & Elle happily plays in the nasty dirt under the trampoline.

Savannah, Elle, Arielle & Tirzah get crafty at the missionary weekend early in August.
It was a wonderful weekend of 9 families talking, laughing, saying hello to Leon & Barb & many saying goodbyes to the Bontragers. Juanita & Audrey are the sort of sisters only God can provide. So thankful for them! Here they are talking with Geraldine Kouwen.

Leon, Barb & Carissa Geigley from Indiana here now to join the work of the CFC Bible School & churches. Leon & Barb are blogging here. They've got some great pictures of the last few weeks & are doing a great job at showing life here in Pokuase as they settle in. I'm embarrassed to say I've got no pictures of these great new friends. Let's just say it's because their baby girl is a beautiful 12 years. My baby girl is not quite so helpful with taking pictures and allowing me time online. :)     

I am full of thanksgiving today. A melancholy thanksgiving. One phase has ended here in Ghana and another has begun. My big kids are busy learning & my little one learns a new trick daily. As life changes, bringing endings and new beginnings, I see us all gaining that flexibility that God grants those who rest in Him. Change happens. He is the same.
 ( But in case you're wondering about the rest of us....)

Jon is still here...
I continue to work at the Bible Institute in attempting to make the school an option for the most amount of people possible. We have a large facility that is not up to operating capacity, and we are working to change that! One of the options we are looking at is starting Saturday classes. Our current program aims at students achieving a Diploma in Biblical Studies, which is a year-long course with 51 different courses spread out over 800+ hours of instruction. But we could also offer different certificates courses such as Christian Leadership, Missions, Counseling, and Church Administration. These courses are only 140 classroom hours, so we are processing whether this is the next step for the school. Many Ghanaians have difficulty working and surviving, much more so when you try to fit school in during the week. Saturday classes would allow more flexibility to these students.
We are also slowly getting some computer training in at the school. I have developed a short handbook that covers some basics in computer hardware, software, and networking. We also have a one computer that the students can practice their typing skills, which I think is the most practical aspect of anything we will do with them. It is difficult, however, to learn without having computers to practice on, so the next step will be filling our computer lab.
And no, I don't normally wear glasses. I really don't like them, but persistent eye infections have forced me to pull out my 10 year old scratched spectacles much to the dismay of my wife.  Some of these things we are waiting until we return to the States to resolve, although with an uncertain return date it can be frustrating. Please pray that we would get clear direction in the next few weeks, as we have asked to be relieved since our term is up in February. This time is one of crazy feelings, probably swayed a bit with our co-workers departing. We always appreciate your prayers, and we keep our prayer list active on the right side of our page under "Prayer Requests."

And I'm still here.....

Add caption

Kindergarten & third grade are in the 3rd week of progress. We try to start at 8:30, take recess at 10:30 & then Max finishes up in the afternoon. Elle & Rory get off with an easy 30 minutes of learning fun & games. Max has quite a bit more to do with the addition of spelling, geography & science. It is a fun thing teach on culture when I consider our German ethnicity, American nationality, Anabaptist heritage & Ghanaian home that cross 3 continents & 2 climate zones! (Maybe I'm not so boring after all. :) )
I've got some school pictures to post soon.

One of the best things about life at the moment is, despite our dear friends leaving, how settled our children feel here. They are comfortable going down the street to buy the egg sandwiches for supper & sit on the curb to wait for them. The neighborhood is out & about right now as schools are on holiday so they had a crowd of company as they waited. And they were okay with it. The waiting part & the crowd part. :) I joined them & stopped to talk to a friend while there. I wasn't surprised when she held my hand while talking to me. In fact, I was flattered. It's a sign of friendship & comfortableness.
We just might be getting too comfortable here. We are not to be comfortable anywhere in this troublesome world. And so we find ourselves in an uncomfortable place for our human nature: waiting on God for the next step.
We are focusing this month on resting in Him while we wait.
Thanks for praying!