Through endurance, and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:4b-6

Monday, October 14, 2013

beginning of the end

It seems like there are always decisions to be made, no matter what situation you are in.  Many times they are simple, easy decisions, but every now and then you are called to make a very difficult decisions that impacts your future and that of your family.  And so it is that time for us as we wrap up our 3 year term in Ghana. Do we stay? Do we go? What are the next steps for our family?
These pictures were taken as we walked to a baptism on April 3, 2011, just 2 short months after we had arrived in Ghana. In many ways it feels like a long time ago. Thankfully we have adjusted to life here in Ghana, and truly consider this our home.
 Life here in Ghana has been good for us spiritually, our marriage, and our relationships with our children. God has graciously allowed us to serve with and meet many wonderful, godly people who have encouraged and strengthened us to continue on. These friends come from many denominations including Lutheran, Baptist, Charity, and Assemblies of God. What we have found was amazing unity of believers when out on the field, a solace when your warm, comfortable church is 6000 miles away. We have grown to really appreciate so many people here, we love what we do, and in many ways it would be easier to stay.
But we feel that it's time to go.
This has been a very difficult conclusion to come to. Our children are already crying at the thought of leaving our friends behind. .
No replacements have yet to be identified. But yet we feel peace at moving forward, trusting that God has given us the next steps for our family.
Our term ends on February 4, 2014. When I signed my contract way back in February 2011, this date looked extremely far away. Now it is right around the corner. We have requested to our board to be replaced by the beginning of April,  and we are trusting that God will have the right people on board to take over the work at the school by then. Since Leon has taken oversight over the pastor association, right now what we need is a school administrator who is willing to teach a few classes. If you want more information on this position, I would be happy to give you a call.
We are asking you to join us in prayer that replacements would be found in the very near future. Pray that He would direct the steps of this mission in every aspect. Pray that He would continue to lead our family as we begin the transition back to the States.
We appreciate each and every one of you who have walked with us on this journey. We truly are grateful for your emails, letters, gifts, prayers, and financial support. This journey was at times difficult, but we wouldn't want to change it! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I saw you on Missionary Moms and decided to visit. May the Lord provide replacements for you and open a new door for you. Your smile and your family are beautiful!
